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Tuesday, 9 April 2013

Funniest things on the internet part one

Oftentimes, I am struck by how intelligent and sophisticated I am. Today has not been one of those times. Today, I have sat through an inordinate amount of YouTube videos and at one point, I was in pain from laughing. Mostly, this is because I am an idiot, and YouTube provides wide opportunities to titillate and tantalise that moronic sector of my identity. People getting hit by stuff. Weird pictures. Odd songs.

The following are things which I can return to on this blogpost, and I know - without any doubt - that they will make me laugh.

Exercise Balls Being Thrown At People
The 'gimmetheloot112' Youtube channel is full of things like this.


People being scared of stuff
These are videos of people being scared at things.

Unusual and unexplainable dance videos

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