Surely I am not the only one who is frightened by this advert. In the age where children are openly branded feral in the national media, without need of justification, where shops and public buildings have installed The Mosquito in order to psychologically torture 'loitering youths' and in which the clothes of the young are a cultural by-word for criminality, it seems that in the battle of the Ages, it is the fearful elderly who have been victorious. With the marginalisation of the young on the increase, could this advert be a moving snapshot of the not-too-distant future. A real life dystopia.
The elderly, no longer subject to the fetid vicissitudes of death and declining mobility, will reclaim the streets. Filling their wretched bodies with artificial drugs each day, they cheat pain. Having surgeons cut through their skin to replace the old mechanics with more durable substnances - steel legs, plastic hips, lasered eyes, electronic ears - they cheat declining mobility and death itself.
And just look at them - the happiness! No longer are the spoils of youth causing a slalom along the footpaths; gone are the condom wrappers from the 11 year old's first romantic tryst, gone are the punctured footballs in the gutter. Instead, we have a flowing suburb of tall trees and only the 50s +. No longer do they have to look down at the concrete as they scoot on by in their leg-defying motor chariots - instead they wave at everybody, safe in the knowledge that only desirables are now able to walk the streets, and no 'feral youth' is going to jump out, earpod blazing, spitting all over everything, not knowing they're born, disrespecting everything and threatening break their face.
Have they won?
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